When we consult the field of science dedicated to the study of life in the womb — embryology — we find that these experts never refer to the developing human as a "clump of cells" or "piece of snot." Instead, the preborn child is seen as a physiologically complex individual human who is reaching important developmental milestones. The claim that the unborn at six weeks is a "piece of snot" is, in fact, medically inaccurate information, and promoting this line of thinking is disinformation.
The Developmental Milestones of the Six-Week-Along Embryo
At six weeks, the embryo is capable of spontaneous movements and responds to touch. It also becomes possible to see the difference between the child's upper and lower arm with the formation of their hand plate and elbow. The development of the 6-week-old baby's hand plate also leads to the clear formation of fingers. Four to five days after the upper limb has formed, the embryo's lower limbs also develop. Week six is also the time at which early ear structures begin to form, such as auricular hillocks, a structure that later becomes the external ear canal. Because the child's retina has formed, this is the week of development at which the eyes become obvious. Additionally, the preborn child's digestive system is growing steadily, with rapid development of the intestine [1].
Clearly, the embryo at this stage is not a "piece of snot" but a physiologically complex member of the human species who only needs time, safety from violence, and proper nutrition to make it to birth. The specific embryo the abortion worker referred to in her TikTok most likely had all of these signs of growth and development, and he or she deserved to be safe from abortion. Tragically, the little one's life was unjustly ended, and even the memory of their life is used by this abortion worker to attempt to further convince people that preborn lives are not worthy of safety. Nothing could be further from the truth — every baby, from the moment of fertilization, has a right to be free from oppression and murder.
Do Pro-Life Advocates Value the Preborn More than the Born?
The other claim made by the abortion worker in the TikTok was that "anti-choicers value a piece of snot [6-week-along embryo] more than us." Being that abortion facility staff come up close and personal with this issue daily, it makes sense why this woman would examine the value of the embryo to her and to those who do not hold her view. She determined that pro-life advocates must value women very little and embryos very much. However, this is not an accurate representation of the pro-life movement's position on the value of women or preborn humans. Anti-abortion advocates value mother and child equally.
At fertilization, a new human being comes into existence [2]. At the moment this occurs — with sperm and egg fusion — a brand new person comes to be who is worthy of protection from violence like any other member of the human race. Both the mother who is supporting the development of the child and the baby in the womb deserve to have their human rights honored by defending them from injustice.
It's basic knowledge to all people that it is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being. Abortion is an act that intentionally kills an innocent preborn human, and therefore, abortion is wrong. Although the preborn child is small — such is the case for the 6-week-along embryo we are examining in this post —they are no less worthy of life. A just society makes an effort to protect the vulnerable, but tragically, in today's day and age, it is legal in many places to kill humans in the womb. This is a grave injustice that must be stopped. That is why, here at Embryo Advocates, we advocate daily to stop the killing of defenseless lives in the womb.
It's Not Too Late for @AbortionGurl to Change Her Heart on Abortion
Although TikTok user @AbortionGurl has dedicated her account and content creation to the promotion of abortion, it is not too late for her heart to change. At some point in her life — and maybe currently — she has been employed in an abortion facility where the execution of tiny humans takes place. Even so, AbortionGurl can have her perspective transformed from pro-abortion to anti-abortion. We've seen God move in the hearts and lives of abortion workers before — such as in the cases of Abby Johnson and Anthony Levatino — and it is possible for this woman to be set free from the industry of death, too. Will you take a moment today to pray for AbortionGurl to see the value of 6-week-old babies in the womb and all preborn humans?
[1] Moore, K.L., Persaud, T.V., & Torchia, M.G. (2020). The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology (11th ed.). Edinburgh: Elsevier. [1] pp. 210-211.
[2] Ibid, p.57.
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