
Why Kate Cox was Wrong to Abort her Disabled Baby

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Image Credit: Center for Reproductive Rights 

Kate Cox has become famous after facing a devastating prenatal diagnosis for her unborn child. Her baby was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a genetic disorder that affects the baby, but does not put the mother at increased risk.

After finding out about her child's condition, Cox discriminated against the baby for being disabled and acted in lethal violence against him or her by aborting the baby. There is nothing compassionate about killing one disabled baby so you can try again to have another baby that isn’t disabled. That is eugenic. I wonder how Cox’s next baby will feel when they are older — knowing that they too would have been killed, had they been disabled like their brother or sister who had Trisomy 18

Despite what Cox has claimed to the media, her life was not endangered by carrying a disabled baby in her womb. All that was endangered was her lifestyle — she and her husband did not want to care for a disabled child. When other situations do arise in pregnancy where women's lives are genuinely at risk because of the pregnancy, it is possible to separate the mother and baby without abortion via early delivery. This gives the baby a fighting chance at life with neonatal critical care treatment.

Because we have the medical interventions available in today’s world of emergency C-Sections, and neonatal critical care to help tiny babies survive an early delivery if possible, abortion is genuinely never medically necessary.

It’s never medically necessary to dismember, poison, stave, or crush the skull of a child in the womb.

During an speech at the Democratic National Convention, Cox claimed abortion bans are anti-family. However, abortion bans are just like other types of murder bans — for example, we ban homicide against born children and adults in America. This is very pro-family because it helps keep our families alive and safe. The same is true with abortion bans. These laws save lives and protect the smallest members of families from violence.

Kate Cox is not the “feminist icon” she is being promoted as. Rather, she is a woman who discriminated against her vulnerable child for their disability. She killed her child because that baby didn’t meet her standards. That is horrifying. Babies should always be protected from violence, even when their parents reject them because of a disability. There are many loving families who specifically look for disabled children to adopt so they can receive a lifetime of love. 

If only Kate Cox’s baby could have had that kind of life, instead of being violently killed and disposed of as the days medical waste at an abortion clinic somewhere.

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